2、 HR应用中是不是有SQL文,仅支持Oracle,不支持SQLServer,例如Oracle的某些内置函数。
3、Oracle测试数据中,公式设置里面,有写死的sql文,例如:- insert into HR_SA_BASEITEM (fid, version, fname, fbaseitemtype, fbaseitemtypename, fdatatype, fdatatypename, fvalue, fcalctype, fcalctypename, ffunction, fsql, fusestatus, fusestatusname, fcreateorgid, fcreateorgname, fcreatedeptid, fcreatedeptname, fcreateposid, fcreateposname, fcreateperid, fcreatepername, fcreateurl, fcreateurlname, fcreatetime, fupdateperid, fupdatepername, fupdatetime, fsequence, fdefaultvalue, ffunctionname)
- values ('salary_salaryitem_psjbts', 1, '平时加班天数', 'FloatableCalc', '浮动计算型', 'Numeric', '数值型', null, 'SQL', '查询语句', null, 'select nvl((select fOverTimeWorkDay from hr_cr_checkcollect t1, hr_cr_checkcollect1 t2 where t1.fid = t2.fMasterID and t1.fyear = to_char(to_date({EndDate}, ''yyyy-mm-dd''), ''yyyy'') and t1.fmonth = to_char(to_date({EndDate}, ''yyyy-mm-dd''), ''mm'') and t2.fPeopleID = {EmployeeID}),0) from dual', 1, '启用', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, 12, '0', null);
复制代码 其中'select nvl((select fOverTimeWorkDay from hr_cr_checkcollect t1, hr_cr_checkcollect1 t2 where t1.fid = t2.fMasterID and t1.fyear = to_char(to_date({EndDate}, ''yyyy-mm-dd''), ''yyyy'') and t1.fmonth = to_char(to_date({EndDate}, ''yyyy-mm-dd''), ''mm'') and t2.fPeopleID = {EmployeeID}),0) from dual
在SQLServer执行的话,一定是错误的。 |