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今天系统突然挂掉了,查了日志,有这样一段话。差不多每天同一时间都会有,关系到挂机的问题吗?时间点好像差不多。May 19 03:10:09 bex5app rhsmd: In order for Subscription Manager to provide your system with updates, your system must be registered with the Customer Portal. Please enter your Red Hat login to ensure your system is up-to-date.May 20 03:35:09 bex5app rhsmd: In order for Subscription Manager to provide your system with updates, your system must be registered with the Customer Portal. Please enter your Red Hat login to ensure your system is up-to-date.
May 21 04:25:08 bex5app rhsmd: In order for Subscription Manager to provide your system with updates, your system must be registered with the Customer Portal. Please enter your Red Hat login to ensure your system is up-to-date.