楼主 |
发表于 2018-8-31 18:01:27
You have been opted out of telemetry. To change this, run: cordova telemetry on.
args.nofetch undefined
android project rename compelete!!!!!!
Parallel execution with configuration on demand is an incubating feature.
Total time: 5.404 secs
Subproject Path: CordovaLib
Subproject Path: JustepGetContent
NDK is missing a "platforms" directory.
If you are using NDK, verify the ndk.dir is set to a valid NDK directory. It is currently set to C:\BaiduYunDownload\WeX5_3.8\tools\adt-sdk\ndk-bundle.
If you are not using NDK, unset the NDK variable from ANDROID_NDK_HOME or local.properties to remove this warning.
The Task.leftShift(Closure) method has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 5.0. Please use Task.doLast(Action) instead.
at build_4bl0va1xu1dpflknjxa3mrb6j.run(C:\BaiduYunDownload\WeX5_3.8\model\Native\dd\build\src\platforms\android\build.gradle:150)
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.Checking the license for package Android SDK Platform 22 in C:\BaiduYunDownload\WeX5_3.8\tools\adt-sdk\licenses
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'android'.
> You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components:
[Android SDK Platform 22].
Warning: License for package Android SDK Platform 22 not accepted.
Total time: 13.168 secs
Before building your project, you need to accept the license agreements and complete the installation of the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager.
Alternatively, to learn how to transfer the license agreements from one workstation to another, go to http://d.android.com/r/studio-ui/export-licenses.html
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Error: cmd: Command failed with exit code 1 Error output:
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
A problem occurred configuring root project 'android'.
> You have not accepted the license agreements of the following SDK components:
[Android SDK Platform 22].
Before building your project, you need to accept the license agreements and complete the installation of the missing components using the Android Studio SDK Manager.
Alternatively, to learn how to transfer the license agreements from one workstation to another, go to http://d.android.com/r/studio-ui/export-licenses.html
* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Xmx1024M
****ERROR****: 子任务 "exec" 执行失败。
****ERROR****: 任务 "buildAndroid" 执行失败。
****ERROR****: 执行出错:
****ERROR****: 错误信息: exec returned: 1
****ERROR****: 如不能确定具体问题,可参考常见问题: http://bbs.wex5.com/thread-82002-1-1.html
C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\afb9a7d1-4d8e-40e8-b4ed-9a1675504827\pack.xml:91: exec returned: 1
at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.ExecTask.runExecute(ExecTask.java:643)
at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.ExecTask.runExec(ExecTask.java:669)
at org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.ExecTask.execute(ExecTask.java:495)
at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:292)
at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor4.invoke(Unknown Source)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:497)
at org.apache.tools.ant.dispatch.DispatchUtils.execute(DispatchUtils.java:106)
at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:348)
at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:435)
at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:456)
at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeSortedTargets(Project.java:1393)
at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1364)
at com.justep.deploy.app.utils.BuildHelper.execTask(Unknown Source)
at com.justep.deploy.app.utils.Builder.main(Unknown Source)
****ERROR****: 子任务 "java" 执行失败。
****ERROR****: 任务 "pack" 执行失败。
****ERROR****: 执行出错:
****ERROR****: 错误信息: Java returned: -3
****ERROR****: 如不能确定具体问题,可参考常见问题: http://bbs.wex5.com/thread-82002-1-1.html
用3.6版本的file插件打包报错 |